Basic Tumbling

Basic Tumbling is a great way to build a rock solid tumbling foundation. Students will successfully master front and back rolls, cartwheels, round offs, handstands, and back bends. The athlete will learn basic skills that will help develop them into  a stronger tumbler and cheerleader. The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts.



Level 1 Tumbling

Level 1 Tumbling teaches students the rock strong tumbling fundamentals needed to progress into more advanced tumbling. Athletes will build more core strength and body awareness. Class time is spent focusing on cartwheels, round offs, front/back walkovers, and handstand skills. Each athlete will be introduced to the steps of a back handspring to help prepare them for Level 2 Tumbling.  The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts. 


Basic Tumbling Skills (front/back rolls, cartwheels, handstands, back bend, bridge-kickover)

Level 2 Tumbling

Level 2 Tumbling teaches students how to successfully master the round-off back handspring, standing back handspring, and front handspring. Athletes will gain strength and power in their tumbling. Students will also work on multiple handsprings and begin connecting front tumbling to their round-off back handspring. The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts. 


Level 1 Tumbling Skills (front/back walkovers, round offs, and handstand skills)

Level 3 Tumbling

Level 3 Tumbling teaches students how to successfully master the round off back handspring back tuck, a series of standing back handsprings to back tuck, a round off back tuck, and a front tuck. Class time is spent focusing on proper training and drills for back tucks and front tucks. The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts. 


Level 2 Tumbling Skills (Front Handspring, Round off three back handsprings and standing three back handsprings)

Level 4 Tumbling

Level 4 tumbling teaches students how to successfully master the round off back handspring layout, a series of standing back handsprings to layout, jumps to standing back tuck, and front tumbling passes. The athlete will begin to connect front tumbling to a round off back handspring layout. The athlete will also begin advanced combination passes including whips and alternates. The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts.


Level 3 Tumbling Skills (Round off back handspring back tuck, standing back handspring back tuck, Round off back tuck, and front tuck)

Level 5 Tumbling

Level 5 tumbling teaches students how to successfully master the round off back handspring full and a series of standing back handsprings to full.  Athletes will also work on connecting advanced combination passes to fulls including whips, half step outs, arabians, front tumbling passes, and bounding skills. The athlete will be able to perform all skills in synchronization to counts. 


Level 4 Tumbling Skills (Round off back handspring layout and standing back handspring layout, jump to tuck, front tuck and/or whip through to layout)

Our Tumbling Classes areeducationalawesomefunaction packedcoolenjoyablefrom beginning to end!